Thursday, April 14, 2011


Where to begin??? Well I LOVE LOVE LOVE DIY blogs and I LOVE to check out other peoples homes (not in a stalker kind of way, just in a "Oooh look what she's done with that, I bet I can do that too" kind of way) I even love to check out online Real Estate and look through the houses that are for sale to give me ideas for my own house. When we were building our own house I used to LOVE to look at Display Homes. Oh boy I could do that for days on end and never get sick of it LOL. So I wanted to start a blog about the things that I've done in my house. The things that I've made. The things that I've re-made. The things that I've bought and that I just LOVE. You know all that kind of stuff :) So stay tuned and please leave me some comments, I love to read them :)